
Privacy Policy

NEUROMANCERS (“we”) express our respect for your personal data and decision to share it with us by being clear about data we collect and being clear about how we are using it.


We collect the personal data that you may volunteer as part of event bookings, membership subscriptions, donations, newsletter sign-ups, applications, surveys, website usage, and more. We may use your data to contact you, verify your identity, manage our programs, and share information about our work. 


You can opt out of any and all of our communications at any point by contacting us and we'll delete your information within two weeks. However, there are some essential and/or automatic communications that we are required to send regardless of your contact preferences.


We have reasonable measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of your data, but, due to the nature of the internet, we cannot completely ensure or warrant the security of your data, therefore disclosure of your data to NEUROMANCERS is done at your own risk.


We do not disclose personal data to any third parties or external organisations other than data processors or platforms that we use to carry out our work. Any transfers of data will be done securely, for example, via encrypted platforms. Your data will never be sold or passed to any third party for any other purpose.


NEUROMANCERS is run for and by self-identified neurodivergent+ people and is dedicated to our community’s protection and safety. NEUROMANCERS has a duty towards safeguarding as an organisation who works with (and is run by) those who may be considered vulnerable adults. We also recognise that safeguarding is a collective practice, that everyone is responsible for.


Abuse: We recognise that abuse can be enacted or experienced by anyone and everyone. NEUROMANCERS supports survivors – whether you are a survivor of sexual violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, religious abuse, or other. If you disclose a person or group of people’s abusive and/or harmful behaviour, we will take it seriously. We won’t share that information, or act on it, without your explicit consent.


Police: As a peer-led, non-clinical organisation, we recognise the need for mental health resources and programs that do not involve state authority, including police. We know that many in our community have been actively harmed by such interactions, hence why these institutions are not and will never be part of our organising practices. 


We recommend that those taking part in NEUROMANCERS events, spaces, and organising use aliases to protect their identity. As an abolitionist, politicised social service, we welcome feedback to aid our continual development.


“A [politicised social service continues to do grassroots organising to transform the underlying conditions of state violence and does not collude or partner with the police and prison industrial complex, especially where harm to any worker or program participant is possible. A politicised social service ensures a direct line of accountability to the people it sets itself up to serve because they are led by and for — and/or because they have meaningful participation and direction from — those who are directly harmed by systemic violence.” – PAINTING THE OCEAN & THE SKY by Shira Hassan 


Crisis Disclaimer: NEUROMANCERS offerings and programs are not crisis response. All programs should be in conjunction with and addition to an existing system of personal mental health support. Our offerings are peer-based mental health programs, and bear no equivalent to clinical, professional, legal, or healthcare advice. Our programs are not therapy and no client/therapist relationship is formed by your participation.. Any information provided to you by NEUROMANCERS, or anyone linked to the organisation, is educational only and should not be considered medical, psychological, or any other professional health care treatment.


Age Disclaimer: All our programs are intended for those over the age of 18. Those under 18 should seek parent or guardian permission in writing before participating, to meet legal requirements. However, as many community members and participants use aliases, we cannot verify one’s identity or age. This means there may still be young people in our spaces. 


We began as a youth-led, unincorporated, organisation, so solidarity with young people is important to our practice. However, our current capacity for working with and appropriately safeguarding young people is limited, therefore we currently do not have specific programs for individuals under the age of 18. We hope to do so in the future. 


Discrimination: We require all those taking part in NEUROMANCERS events, spaces, and organising to follow our guidelines and practise non-discriminatory behaviour towards any marginalised or vulnerable people. Those in violation of these terms may be removed. 

Liability Disclaimer

By use of our services, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances shall NEUROMANCERS be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, use, images, data or other intangibles, even if NEUROMANCERS has been advised of the possibility of such damages, that result from the use or the inability to partake in NEUROMANCERS programs. 


You agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you specifically acknowledge that under no circumstances shall NEUROMANCERS be liable or responsible for harm or damages arising from your use of the information, facts, and opinions available via our programs or arising out of any action taken in response to or as a result of any information, facts, and opinions available via our programs. 


You agree that, by your participation or usage of NEUROMANCERS site, services, programs, and events, that doing so is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility, and waive all and any safeguarding-related claims. 

Membership Terms

Eligible members should be:

  • Over 16 years old;

  • Self-identified as neurodivergent+; 

  • In alignment with NEUROMANCERS work and values. 


Membership fees must be completed to the set schedule and for each month membership is renewed. The membership will continue automatically until you, the member, pauses or cancels the subscription or until NEUROMANCERS pauses or cancels our programs. 


NEUROMANCERS have the right to suspend service or terminate a membership, if a member violates the terms or guidelines, with a written notice specifying the reasons for the suspension or termination. This notice has an immediate effect.


Members may participate in programs organised by NEUROMANCERS, subject to availability and any specific requirements or conditions. 


You will receive information, updates, and communications from NEUROMANCERS regarding events, activities, news, and relevant matters.  


You are not permitted to share, sell, reprint or republish any other of our materials and resources, including written files, video files, audio files, images, and more. This includes sharing with friends, family, and colleagues. If they would like access, they must seek separate access.


By using any of our programs, you understand and agree that all sales are final and no refunds will be provided.