You have created a really wonderful community that i think regardless of the event you put on, the vibe is lovely. but almost everything logistically was thought through as well and i always appreciate more advanced covid precautions.
Event Attendee
This was a needed event and space. I found it very informative and also nourishing. It has prompted me to join the organisation and look into what groups are running generally within neuromancers for the first time.
Event Attendee
Yessss this was brilliant! I definitely learnt new things and also heard things that I already know and understand, but it's just so nice to hear other people saying them and lots of people in a room all agreeing together on a way of being.
Event Attendee
I am very glad I attended. I am feeling proud of myself for sharing my work during the open mic, the people were also amazing to have met too!
Event Attendee
I am really grateful to Aiyana for organising such a beautiful space for like-minded people to meet and share their experiences and ideas. I hope there will be many more events like that.